Some vineyards, with sapling-trained (alberello method) vines, are located in the Abruzzo region: more precisely in Tocco da Casauria (Pescara) near Monte Morrone and the mountain range of the Majella at an altitude of about 350 meters above sea level. Others, covering about half a hectare of land, overlook the sea from the hills around Silvi (Teramo). In all, their vineyards extend over roughly three hectares of land cultivated according to the principles of organic agriculture (officially certified since 2018).

The soil in the mountain area of Tocco di Casauria, made up of limestone, marl, flint and pelagics dating back to the Jurassic period, is particularly suitable for the cultivation of vines and gives the wine that strong but gentle taste, so characteristic of this region. The nearby surrounding mountains ensure a cool and breezy climate.

Many experts in this field believe that Montepulciano grapes originated in these foothills of Abruzzo, in the area between Torre de’ Passeri and Tocco da Casauria. Here in the 9th century the monks from the nearby Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria played a significant role in the cultivation and spread of this black grape variety.

Azienda Agricola Pettinella

I vigneti

Un’azienda con le radici tra due province:
  • Silvi – Teramo
  • Tocco da Casauria – Pescara